For port and coastline maintenance

Boats cleaning water surfaces - Cataglop® range

Cataglop® range (CG) of multi-service barges: ports, coastline, rivers and lakes

Floating waste – both solid and liquid – accumulates in ports, often in areas that are difficult to access.

Cataglop® vessels work like genuine surface “hoovers”. With their lateral fenders, they are able to operate between other vessels, along pontoons and docks.

They are made from aluminium and are designed to be transportable with a suitable trailer.

Boats cleaning water surfaces - Cataglop® range


  • Removable arms to increase the working width
  • Seaweed cutter (collection of algae)
  • Tank (collection of black water)
  • Road trailer

Boats cleaning water surfaces - Cataglop® range

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